What is the difference between a communication concept and an idea?

In marketing, like in other industries, professionals have their own terminology, words, and expressions that aren't directly self-explanatory. Some of these are more crucial than others.
Advertising, offers, and campaigns typically yield an immediate, but unfortunately short-lived, impact. Despite the high activity, there's often too much dispersion and variation to cultivate the company's identity/brand.
A communication concept is a variation of what was previously referred to as a "lasting impression," meaning what the target audience takes away in addition to the offer. When all advertisements and campaigns are based on the communication concept, you will gradually develop the company's reputation or brand.
If you wish to explore this further, feel free to utilize our methodology, which you can find on the main pages. The communication concept is a topic under point 3 of the method, assuming you have answered points 1 and 2 first.

Here's a practical demonstration from our sister company Kantefølflak AS.
Most Norwegians enjoy outdoor activities, especially hiking. There is a popular and quintessentially Norwegian status in buying a product that places you in the category of "mountain people."

The use of the Norgesglasset (Norway glass jar) for packaging is an idea; the traditional glass itself evokes associations with hikes and local food, perhaps even fond memories from childhood. In this example, we show that the idea is built on the concept and reinforces Kantefølflak's desired position.
Kantefølflak was "invented" in Hol in Hallingdal, probably Norway's highest located chip producer. The concept "Chips for Mountain People" - emphasized by the packaging design - makes the product stand out clearly from competitors on the store shelf.

The 2024 packages invite the target audience to engage with the product by sharing their hiking experiences and memories. The QR code opens a customer journey where the consumer's own hiking photos contribute to the goal of Kantefølflak conquering all hills and peaks in Norway and some abroad.

When little Kantefølflak from Hol in Hallingdal has managed to build a gold concept with a budget close to zero, then everyone can!
Good luck!