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How does Hallingcast integrate sustainability into our business?

At Hallingcast, we go a step further than just implementing sustainability principles internally. We have established a unique initiative at Torpomoen – a dedicated department for sustainability, open and free of charge for everyone. This space is created so that businesses and organizations can delve into and explore the concept of "sustainable development". Through this, we offer a platform for learning and collaboration around sustainable solutions.

A unique detail

Interestingly, the lamp we have chosen for our "sustainability corner" at Torpomoen is a symbol of uniqueness and commitment. This special lamp not only illuminates the room; it also represents our bright dedication to sustainability, as there is only one other such lamp in all of Norway – at the Storting (Norwegian Parliament).

Strategic location for maximum impact

Furthermore, Hallingcast's offices are strategically located near the Regional Council in Hallingdal's commitment to circular economy and sustainable initiatives. This proximity to the core of the region's sustainability efforts enables us to be at the forefront of innovation and collaboration.

Our promise to you and our planet

We have designed our websites with a clear focus on you – our customers and partners. Our goal is to provide valuable insights and services in marketing, with a sustainability perspective. In periods when we have excess capacity, we delve further into our sustainability principles and update the site to reflect our ever-growing commitment.

A call to action

We look forward to your next visit to our website for more updates on our sustainability work. And remember, every action counts – thank you for contributing to recycling and a more sustainable future.

Please contact us if we can assist you with sustainable development in your business.